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Gift Exchange Mobile 1.0.5

Gift Exchange Mobile 1.0.5 is now on the app store.

Improved labels and progress displays to make operation easier and more fun. Fixed crash that may happen when deleting groups. Updated SMTP send method to use the latest MailCore2 library. SMTP (using your own mail provider) is now the preferred send method because some providers are filtering mail from the web service.


4 thoughts on “Gift Exchange Mobile 1.0.5”

    1. Thank you for your inquiry. The app runs on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, but the e-mail or text notifications can be received on any device (that can receive e-mail or texts).

      The notifications to each participant tell the name drawn for him or her to get a gift for. If gift suggestions are entered that is also included in the notification. E-mail notifications can also include the history table of gifts each person received in previous occurrences. This will not have anything the first time, but will for example next year and so on.

  1. I have the Gift Exchange app on my 2nd Gen iPad. I am having difficulty sending the exchange results and was thinking about loading Gift Exchange on my laptop (Windows).

    1) do I have to purchase Gift Exchange for Windows
    2) can I share the information from my iPad to my laptop

    1. Noreen, Thank you for the comment. Could you tell me what sending method you have set for Gift Exchange on your iPad? Are you getting an error message when trying to send? If you are not using the “Web Service” or “Native” send method the most common problem is with authentication. This can be if the email user name/password is not set correctly. The Native send message is the simplest if you don’t mind seeing the emails popup when sending.

      The PC Gift Exchange is a separate purchase. The files may be exchanged. From the iPhone “Options” menu you can use the action button to share the exchange file. You can email the exchange file to yourself. Open the email on your PC and save the file somewhere. Then it can be opened with the PC software.

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